Donation is not the solution to over-consumption.

Be a conscious consumer.


  • Donating unwanted clothes is a feel-good gesture and certainly better than tossing a bag of clothes into an already overflowing landfill but you must also avoid collecting an access of material possessions. You can’t just do the former.

  • Take great care of your clothing and consider its longevity. 

  • Invest in clothes that are well made (I didn’t say you have to pay full price for them), to increase your wardrobe’s timeline. The clothes that stay in my closet year after year, season after season are designer clothes purchased on discount from T.J. MAXX runway section. I have accumulated more than I need over the years, but it is never too late to adopt better habits and shop less. I am now committed to buying earth friendly brands exclusively and only when I have a need for something or if I am feeling unreasonably down (ha!). 

  • Don’t buy into trends. Buy into what makes your heart smile and pieces that make you feel confident. 

  • Shop consignment for vintage pieces, including well-designed and iconic pieces in our wardrobes is never a bad thing. 

  • Ask yourself before purchasing something - Do I really need this and do I really love this? If the answer is still yes in a few days, proceed. More often than not, you will forget about it. 

  • Also ask yourself if there is something you already own that can be upcycled or re-styled to achieve a similar look.