Make it One of a Kind.

Upcycling is the practice of adapting an existing product in some way to create a product of greater quality or of artistic and environmental value.

Why do I love it? It reduces waste, improves the efficiency of resource use and thus conserves the environment. But it is also in a word: FUN! You can create a handmade, unique design from a product/material you otherwise deemed as trash and were ready to throw into an overflowing landfill. Before you buy something new, ask yourself if there is already something in your home which you can either upcycle or re-purpose. Re-purpose is modifying an item to fit a new use, different than its original intended use or by using the item as is, in a new way.

Summer 2020 Upcycling Projects.


Dream it.

This artwork was in bad shape. The canvas lost it’s form and appeared bumpy within the frame. The black frame was lusterless. But it had potential because the wood was solid and the cream colored canvas trim was a nice detail.


This was framed mirror in my basement that the previous owners of the house left us. We never used it because the shiny, old wooden frame wasn’t modern.


This black wooden frame housed an outdated piece of artwork which was less than contemporary. But the frame had great detail and the the glass covering the picture was intact.

This brown wooden picture frame was boring.

This brown wooden picture frame was boring.

I have had these hair clips since high school.

I have had these hair clips since high school.


Build it.

I have been saving the newspaper from the day my daughter was born and it’s collecting dust. I created a collage with the paper over a cardboard (sitting in my basement), set up the paints and had my daughter get to work. To me, this is a special way to conserve a newspaper with meaning (the date appears in 2 places if you look closely), and I love that she painted it. Her handprints even make an appearance. We hung it in our home and surprised my daughter with the finished product. She was floored.


SO, we gave it 2 coats of white paint and super glued seashells to it which I collected this summer at Duxbury beach with my son. I hung it on the bottom of my stairs and now every time I walk down the stairs I am reminded of that breezy beach day and the time we took something old and turned it into something memorable and special.


We painted it pink! The before picture showed my daughter painting it pink/orange. Mid way through, SHE decided she didn’t love that color and we mixed what I am calling bubble gum pink. I asked her to paint whatever she wanted on a piece of poster board. Viola!

We painted it white, gave it some whimsy and presented it at my niece’s 6th birthday party.

We painted it white, gave it some whimsy and presented it at my niece’s 6th birthday party.

And now these unique designs belong to my daughter along with the memory of re-purposing them into something more special with materials we already had in our home.

And now these unique designs belong to my daughter along with the memory of re-purposing them into something more special with materials we already had in our home.