According to the World Commission on Environment and Development, WCED  sustainable development is defined as an effort “that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”


Buy Local + Support Sustainable Food Production : Why? 

  • It Preserves Small Farm Land

  • When local farms are established, eating local protects farmland

  • Reducing food miles helps alleviate our dependence on fossil fuels, reduce air pollution and cut back on greenhouse gas emissions

  • More Accessible. Local businesses are able to operate in their local communities

  • Fresher Produce

  • Protects Local Land & Wildlife

  • Local Workforce

  • Sustainable food production: “A method of production using processes and systems that are non-polluting, conserve non-renewable energy and natural resources, are economically efficient, are safe for workers, communities and consumers, and do not compromise the needs of future generations” EUFIC - The European Food Information Council


Green Foodie Tips.

  • Chose a venue that sources local and organic produce, ethically farmed meat or has their own garden-to-plate-practices. 

  • Consider a nose-to-tail menu to reduce waste. 

  • Portioned servings are likely to result in less waste 

  • Look for compostable service items such as bamboo for cups, utensils, and napkins. These items can cost more, but prices are coming down as demand goes up. Get behind that demand!  Check out dinnerware made from certified organic bamboo and compost approved by company bambu

  • Use fabric napkins rather than paper 

  • Use beeswax wraps rather than plastic. This is a greater consideration during the global health crisis. It is possible an excess of plastic will be used to wrap traveling meals for sanitation purposes. 



  • Steer your menu towards more plant-based inclusions. Why is a plant-based diet better for the environment? Eating plants—instead of eating animals who eat plants—cuts out the enormous environmental burden that goes along with animal agriculture. Forks over Knives  and this blog post on Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine have good information supporting how a plant based diet benefits the environment. I am dairy free and borderline Vegan, leaning always towards plant-based options. It’s very possible you and your attendees do not prefer this type of menu, but if you are serving an extensive group of guests at a large scale event in particular,  it is a wonderful consideration. Particularly a red meat reduced menu is environmentally preferable.

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What happens to leftover meals and Food?

  •  Use food scraps as compost 

  • Donate leftover food to charity. Chef David Blessing (follow him @chefdavidblessing) at Longwood Venues has a contagious passion for education on this initiative and has been donating to the Boston Rescue Mission for years. Many venues and caterers argue that it is a liability to donate food to homeless shelters. But it is simply not true.The Federal Bill, Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act, protects you from liability. On October 1, 1996, President Clinton signed this act to encourage donation of food and grocery products to non-profit organizations for distribution to individuals in need. Learn more at Feeding America